Pick Me! Pick Me! The Story of the Magic Pumpkin – Autographed Paperback Edition


This is an autographed copy of the paperback edition of Pick Me! Pick Me! The Story of the Magic Pumpkin. Each book comes with one Magic Pumpkin Charm. Additional charms are available, and recommended if you’re taking more than one child pumpkin picking. Kids get very attached to their Magic Pumpkin Charms!

NOTE: Books from Amazon do not include a Magic Pumpkin Charm.

SKU: TMP-paperback Category:


This is an autographed copy of the paperback edition of Pick Me! Pick Me! The Story of the Magic Pumpkin. Each book comes with one Magic Pumpkin Charm. Additional charms are available, and recommended if you’re taking more than one child pumpkin picking. Kids get very attached to their Magic Pumpkin Charms!

NOTE: Books from Amazon do not include a Magic Pumpkin Charm.